Are you aggressive enough for sales? On the other hand, are you too aggressive? It would seem that sales, like lots of other things, is a function of balance and consistency. However, there’s more to it than that!
Are you able to move the sale along or do you simply fold in the face of adversity? Do you face the challenges of difficult situations with enthusiasm, excitement and a sense of competitive flair or do you fade into the anonymity of compliance?
Let’s take a quick look at situations where a strong sense of aggressiveness is required in sales.
Meeting with difficult, demanding prospects or customers.
Meeting deadlines for proposals, action plans and specifications when you need the co-operation of others.
Finalising transactions in a timely and expeditious way.
Dealing with objections, stalls and price issues.
Deflecting competitors’ claims, assaults and attempts to win your existing accounts or outsell you with prospects.
Each and every one of these issues requires you as a salesperson to step up and take an aggressive position rather than being passive and settling for the status quo.
But here’s the real problem and central issue. How do you become more aggressive? Can you become aggressive if it’s “just not in you?” By the same token, you have to really want to become more assertive, proactive and intense.
10 tips to becoming more assertive
Let’s take a look at 10 tips to help you become more able to handle the level of energy and confidence that it takes to turn up your personal level of aggressive behaviour:
1. Don’t mistake being aggressive with being obnoxious. The two are totally different. The former is all about focused, caring energy and the latter is about boorish, uncaring bravado.
2. Choose the times, circumstances and situations where more aggressive, direct behaviour is necessary and decide which mountains are worth climbing.
3. Set very specific goals, objectives and time frames for the successful completion of achievement.
4. Become passionate about reaching closure on every activity you undertake. Don’t settle for things being constantly “in process”. Become interested in closure, completion and achievement.
5. Take ownership for the successful implementation of every prospect, project and activity you undertake. Give some thought to “going public” with your commitment. You will then work more diligently to fulfil the successful completion of those things you have taken ownership of personally.
6. Accept the fact that you can be a friendly competitor while still doing your best to outsell and outwork your competitors. Not by making disparaging remarks – but, instead, by more carefully designed strategies, longer hours and satisfying all requests and demands.
7. Overcome your fear of offending others, rejection or refusal. Be willing to face your greatest fears and realise that even if a prospect or customer says no it doesn’t mean it’s a fatal (or final) wound to you, your ego or your pocketbook.
8. Think about times in your life when more aggressive behaviour did pay off for you. Reflect on the times when you did step up and it didn’t work out for you. Relive your successes and reflect on your failures.
9. Start by being a bit more aggressive in specific areas where you’ll see immediate results. For example, when making appointments, asking buyers to take action, working out terms with your credit department, etc. Reflect on the difference it makes. Then take on bigger issues. And don’t look back!
10. Always remember that in sales it is not always “what” you say that is really important. It is “how” you say it that really does count.
The same is true about being aggressive. It is far more a function of your own internal drive and how you control it that will drive your success. Being aggressive doesn’t mean being brash, boisterous or bungling. Instead, it means being competitive, cooperative and consistent.