Looking for a few business ideas? Consider the following: Consider offering a special price or service to members of business...
Read moreWhen a business has a snappy, unusual, stick-in-your-head kind of name, it can do wonders for its popularity with customers....
Read moreUnlike Rome, your marketing plan can be built in a day. Here's how. Gwen Moraneth Talbert was a highly respected...
Read moreWhat's yellow, slightly bent, sweet and could be vital to your business’ recipe for success? Bananas. Yes, it may sound...
Read moreYou can always tell when customers are watching their bank accounts more closely. They start to doubt you and need...
Read moreHere’s some advice Bill Gates dished out at a high school speech about 11 things they did not learn in...
Read moreIf there is one thing that the Internet, pagers, fax, and cell phones have done, it has been to force...
Read moreThree ways to overcome resistance The key to persuading people isn't telling them what to think; it's asking them questions...
Read moreAt a recent computer expo (COMDEX), Bill Gates reportedly compared the computer industry with the auto industry and stated: “If...
Read moreWhat you say and how you say it when it comes to your direct mail material will either make or...
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