“Selling Daily” – Sometimes we avoid silly and obvious promotions but they can get the job done. There can be great value in cheap things.
The idea is to use cheap promotional items that your prospect will have a use for long after you have left, whilst at the same time, receiving a reminder of you because of it’s cuteness.
There are many products on the market these days that can achieve this. Keep your eyes open and you find them. But, as a starter rulers are one of the most effective items.
A corny opening line for the rulers before a presentation,is “Use this to measure the effectiveness of my presentation.” It might be silly but it will serve its purpose.
By the way, do we need to tell you that you must have your business name and phone number imprinted on them??? OK, that’s the general idea.
Become a marketing matchmaker
Here is a terrific idea that could possibly belong in the too hard basket. Read this a couple of times until it has sunk in.
Ever wondered why some businesses seem to be more succesful than others? It’s just possible that they embrace ideas that others find a bit difficult or possibly too way out.
This is networking at it’s best and can be used by anyone with a box of labels and some ingenuity.
Ask your clients and associates for a supply of their business cards. When the right opportunity presents itself distribute them to likely customers. Using return address labels, create a sticker that says “Referred by — and put your name or your business’ name on the back of other people’s business cards.
The stickers will remind the recipient of your business and it will generate a certain amount of reciprocal good feeling. Quite a win-win-win situation!
Write simply for best results
Nothing sells like simple, easy-to-read advertising copy. Penning clever, articulate prose may be tempting, but busy prospects and customers will respond faster to short words and simple sentences. This is especially true for web sites.
“I favourably anticipate interaction on this issue” somebody wrote in a note to me. “I look forward to talking with you about this” would have been a better way to write it. Sure, I understood the first sentence. But the second sentence is a no-brainer to understand.
Try not to use a four-dollar word when a more common one will do. Keep sentences short. Limit the number of sentences that have commas in them (a sign that your sentence is getting complex). Break complex sentences into shorter ones.
Of course, there are some exceptions. Lawyers, CEOs, and college professors often insist on flexing their intellectual qualifications by using complex prose. In those cases, give the audience what they expect.